Full-Stack Developer
As a full stack developer, I can handle all the work of databases, servers, systems engineering, clients, UI/UX, and debugging.

My main area of experience is in developing both front-end and back-end RESTful web application that run on an IIS server connected to a Microsoft SQL Server.

I have experience with a wide range or web applications such as: employee training programs, business intranets, main landing pages with interactive forms and analytics, stock market prediction applications, golf analytical statistics, financial management, payment processing, connecting to external web APIs, and working with large datasets to make predictions.

You can contact me at konradvernon@gmail.com if you have any additional questions.
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About Me

  • August 2014

    Mississippi College

    Attended Mississippi College for 4 years and graduated with a bachelor of science degree in computing and information systems. The computer science and computing and information systems curriculum focuses on imparting a strong foundation in computer sciences, while instilling a lifelong love of learning —essential to success in this ever-evolving field.

  • January 2016

    Web Development

    I became interested in web development and started writing websites for local businesses. I learned all the neccessary steps in creating and maintaing a well designed website.

  • January 2017

    Software Engineer Internship

    After becoming interested in web development, I was hired part time for a software engineer internship. During my time as an intern I learned all the steps neccessary to design and create web applications with the C# .NET Framework.

  • April 2018

    Computer Science Help Lab Tutor

    My senior year I started working for Mississippi College computer science department as a help lab tutor, where I helped students in intro computer science classes with their programming assisgnments.

  • May 2018

    Software Engineer

    After school I was offered a full time postion as a software engineer. I consider myself to be a full stack developer because I handle all development needed to get an idea to a finsihed product. I have experience taking an idea and designing the user interface, database relationships, networking, API's, security, authentication, server management, version control systems, and role based systems.

  • September 2018

    Data Science and Maching Learning

    Attended DataRobot University in Boston MA and earned the DataRobot Essentials Certification which provides the best practices in machine learnings, and guidance on how to integrate predictions into production systems.

  • August 2019 - Current

    React JS Web Apps & .NET RESTful APIs

    Started working with React JS framework and React Redux to build web applications that run in differenct environemnts (client, server, and native), and are easy to test.


All the projects listed below were designed and developed by me.

Spending Journal

Spending Journal is a Financial Management web software I created to help users manage their spending habits.

This project started as an assigment in my business class my senior year. The project was to keep up with our spending habits in an excel spreadsheet, but I wanted to create a better way to manage my money.

Spending Journal uses AJAX (programming) with jQuery to call web API functions. Users can create entries, edit entries, and remove entries without ever having to reload the page. All data is saved in a SQL table and charts on the page are instantly reloaded with correct data.

I also added a automate function the website where users who have a bank account with REGIONS can upload their transaction history which will automatically be entered as either debits or credits and transaction will be grouped into spending categories.

* Authentication Requried (must create an account)
Studio Pilates MS

Developed this website for cleint who owns a pilates studio.

This pilates website connects to MindBody API so users can view the class schedule and sign up for classes through the website.
RevClaims Intranet

Developed RevClaims company intranet (Role Based Authentication, custom Web APIs using CRUD operations)

Managers have a custom admin dashboard where they can manage all forms, training videos, benefits, employee direcotry, company handbook, alerts, policies and procedures, time off forms, and job openeings.

Employees can find any policies and procedure, comapny benefits, fill out online forms for time off request and schedule changes, and complete training programs.

* Private Website (authentication needed)
First Columbus Pawn

Developed First Columbus Pawns company website (Static Website).


Developed RevClaims main website for medical billing services.

Worked with management team to build website to their specific requirements with a strict deadline. Website works well on all devices and contains functional web forms with custom form controls. The website also has a admin dashboard for controlling the content displayed and career opportunities.

Developed UpperHandGolf to help improve golfers scores.

UpperHandGolf currently has over 250+ users and works with 12 college and high school golf teams.

UpperHandGolf is web application that works on all devices and browsers. It has secure role based authentication, email verification system, custom payment processor using Stripe, file image compression for database efficiency, and computes complex equations on huge datasets.

* Authentication Requried (must create an account or contact me for demo)
Stock Finder

Stock Finder is custom web application that helps investors find the best stocks to invest in.

Stock Finder connect to TD Ameritrades public APIs to college daily stock information for over 7,000+ stocks daily. After daily stock information is collected, complex computations are run on each stock to determine if it is a good investment. (proprietary algorithm).

This web software is PRIVATE (no link is provided but a demo can be requested)

Education and Coursework

Topics include history of computing, computing as a tool and discipline, machine level data representation, algorithms and problem solving, fundamental programming constructs and software design methodology, fundamental data structures, operating systems, net-centric computing, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, simulation, and social issues in computing.
Topics include the abstractions necessary for the program development process, design methodology, control structures, looping, procedures, interface design, functions, simple data types, aggregate data structures and objects.
Topics include software development tools, top-down design, algorithm analysis, encapsulation, and methods of implementation as well as the common data structures stacks, queues, lists, and trees. Sorting and searching techniques employing these data structures will also be examined.
A study of the syntax and features of the C and C++ programming languages.
This course covered basic Internet concepts such as telnet, ftp, and new groups as well as World Wide Web concepts such as searching and authoring. The social and ethical impact of the Internet was also examined.
Concepts of algorithms, induction, recursion, proofs, topics from logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and automata theory fundamental to the study of computer science.
Course focused on computer system organization, internal organization and operation of digital computers, and some systems software.
hysical and logical design of an operational computer system. The processes of planning for control, implementation, change, analysis, and review of existing systems from a technological as well as managerial standpoint will be covered.
A study of the major social and ethical issues in computer science, a brief history of computer science, the impact of computers on society, and professional computer ethics.
Learned about all the necessary steps needed in order to create web applications. My main focus in this class was creating a web applications with user authentication, security, database connections, and hosting of the web application.
Design and implementation of a data base management system. Also the study of hierarchical, network, inverted and relational structures, and application of DBMS to file organization and informational retrieval.
A study of the analysis, design and implementation of major software systems. Topics include software development life-cycles and software development product management using the C/C++ language. An exercise in developing a large software product is central to the course.
An introduction to the various data and control structures necessary for the design and implementation of the modern computer operating systems. Process creation and control, interprocess communications, synchronization and concurrency, I/O memory management, and file systems concepts are explored in the context of the Unix operating system.
Topics include: fundamentals of signaling and data transmission using electromagnetic media, data encoding, multiplexing, circuit switching, packet switching, LAN and WAN technologies, internet working concepts, transport protocols, network security, and distributed applications.